Hints for healthy veins

Nature tip:

Contrast leg showers in the morning and evening also have an analeptic effect, since they increase the tension in the blood vessels and improve the performance of the immune system. 
High-heeled shoes are torture for feet and veins. It’s better to wear comfortable shoes with flat soles. Or even better, go barefoot from time to time.

Bo­dy shape tip:

Be­ing over­weight pla­ces ad­di­tio­nal strain on your legs. You should try to ba­lan­ce your diet and re­gu­lar­ly check your weight.

Day­ti­me tip:

You can do the fol­lo­wing “rol­ling” ex­er­cise any­whe­re, again and again, at any time du­ring the day: in the of­fice, on the bus, in the car,wat­ching TV ...

Relief tip:

A height difference of approx. 1.5 m has to be overcome for blood to flow to the heart. Therefore, raise your legs at every opportunity – this decongests the veins.

Temperature tip:

Heat distends blood vessels and can lead to congestion. Avoid long periods of sunbathing, sauna without alternating hot and cold water applications and water that is too hot.

Tra­vel tip:

Al­ways try to get up and mo­ve around when tra­vel­ling by pla­ne, car, coach or train. Ac­ti­va­te the calf mus­cle pump by do­ing foot gym­na­stics and – ve­ry im­por­tant­ly in the ca­se of long-haul flights – drink plenty, re­gu­lar­ly.